# reset the lists of hosts prior to looping $OutageHosts = $Null # specify the time you want email notifications resent for hosts that are down $EmailTimeOut = 30 # specify the time you want to cycle through your host lists. $SleepTimeOut = 45 # specify the maximum hosts that can be down before the script is aborted $MaxOutageCount = 10 # specify who gets notified $notificationto = "[email protected]" # specify where the notifications come from $notificationfrom = "[email protected]" # specify the SMTP server $smtpserver = "relay.windcorp.thm"
# Read the File with the Hosts every cycle, this way to can add/remove hosts # from the list without touching the script/scheduled task, # also hash/comment (#) out any hosts that are going for maintenance or are down. get-content C:\Users\brittanycr\hosts.txt | Where-Object {!($_-match"#")} | ForEach-Object { $p = "Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -ea silentlycontinue" Invoke-Expression$p if($p) { # if the Host is available then just write it to the screen write-host"Available host ---> "$_-BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor White [Array]$available += $_ } else { # If the host is unavailable, give a warning to screen write-host"Unavailable host ------------> "$_-BackgroundColor Magenta -ForegroundColor White $p = Test-Connection-ComputerName$_-Count1-ea silentlycontinue if(!($p)) { # If the host is still unavailable for 4 full pings, write error and send email write-host"Unavailable host ------------> "$_-BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor White [Array]$notavailable += $_
if ($OutageHosts-ne$Null) { if (!$OutageHosts.ContainsKey($_)) { # First time down add to the list and send email Write-Host"$_ Is not in the OutageHosts list, first time down" $OutageHosts.Add($_,(get-date)) $Now = Get-date $Body = "$_ has not responded for 5 pings at $Now" Send-MailMessage-Body"$body"-to$notificationto-from$notificationfrom ` -Subject"Host $_ is down"-SmtpServer$smtpserver } else { # If the host is in the list do nothing for 1 hour and then remove from the list. Write-Host"$_ Is in the OutageHosts list" if (((Get-Date) - $OutageHosts.Item($_)).TotalMinutes -gt$EmailTimeOut) {$OutageHosts.Remove($_)} } } else { # First time down create the list and send email Write-Host"Adding $_ to OutageHosts." $OutageHosts = @{$_=(get-date)} $Body = "$_ has not responded for 5 pings at $Now" Send-MailMessage-Body"$body"-to$notificationto-from$notificationfrom ` -Subject"Host $_ is down"-SmtpServer$smtpserver } } } } # Report to screen the details $log = "Last run: $(Get-Date)" write-host$log Set-Content-Path C:\scripts\log.txt -Value$log Write-Host"Available count:"$available.count Write-Host"Not available count:"$notavailable.count Write-Host"Not available hosts:" $OutageHosts Write-Host"" Write-Host"Sleeping $SleepTimeOut seconds" sleep$SleepTimeOut if ($OutageHosts.Count -gt$MaxOutageCount) { # If there are more than a certain number of host down in an hour abort the script. $Exit = $True $body = $OutageHosts | Out-String Send-MailMessage-Body"$body"-to$notificationto-from$notificationfrom ` -Subject"More than $MaxOutageCount Hosts down, monitoring aborted"-SmtpServer$smtpServer } } while ($Exit-ne$True)